Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Communitize Me (or "The Angle Grinder Story")

One of the side benefits of NYS (besides offloading our surplus basement storage and filling it up again) is the helpful community that starts to enshroud otherwise mundane transactions. I posted "Wanted: Angle Grinder" so that I can sharpen my lawn mower blade that cuts like it is made out of bar stock (used on too many thick weeds, I suppose). And CK responded, "hey, Lowe's had some of these on clearance yesterday for $20." Now, maybe he's just a Lowe's employee trying to drum up more sales, but I give him the benefit of the doubt: he's just trying to help out a fellow community member, with no direct benefit to himself. *warm fuzzy*. I don't get that on eBay. :)

There is more of that "community" than is readily visible - another side benefit of NYS. And, of course, we'd love to hear if you have a story to share....

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